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ALA CR+ is a food supplement with alpha lipoic acid and chromium. Chromium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels and normal macronutrient metabolism.
Recent research has shown that alpha lipoic acid can help to modulate metabolism, by increasing energy and recovery capacity, in particular it is able to increase glucose conversion and accumulation, thus creating an energy storage potential of ATP in muscle cells which will favor the performance and moreover will come at the expense of a fat accumulation. Alpha lipoic acid, therefore, is able to convert a surplus of carbohydrates into muscle energy rather tahn into lipids in adipose tissue.
The combination with chromium stimulates the metabolism and helps to maintain correct blood glucose levels as well as being an aid during sports performence as it produces energy at the expense of fat accumulation.
Recent studies indicate ita s useful for supporting muscle recovery in the case of daily workouts, its chronic use and for long periods contributes to the reduction of muscle damage.